Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lost and Found

“The world has funny ways, inspired by the elements its made up of”
I remember when I was in 1st standard our teachers forced us to use pencils and pens were a strict no. the reason? Simple, you can erase what a pencil writes but a pen leaves permanent mistake, which in turn helps improve your handwriting.
But, as kids or as a human nature, we are always inclined to get hold of something we are barred from. Took of a pen and ruined the writing forever. As we grow, we get hold of many things before the age and senses and end up finishing the experiences of that certain age.
Simple things seem tough and unacceptable and boring. But yet they are simple and wise and right ways. Losing the hold on simple things excites us to find tricky and vulnerable options and we are forever distant from the simplicity, the way of nature and not so the way of homo sapiens.


Anonymous said...

True. Always loved simplicity.

Anirudh said...

Its hard to earn simplicity's love though.

Anonymous said...

If you realize it .. It's never lost .. It's continues to be